June 29, 2016

Amigurumi Eeveelution: Espeon

Before I start showing the pictures
There's this thing about my Espeon..

I wouldn't say I did a bad job
Because it really DOES KINDA look good
The only issue is
The colour is off...

You see
Because I ordered all my yarns together, after planning my whole eeveelution colours
And bought from TaoBao
(It's real cheap too! ^^)
The colour that I ordered for this espeon was supposedly purplish pink (more purplish on the picture though)
But when it came, it's more... PINK than purple

I mean, it doesn't matter if your colour is a bit darker or brighter than the original colour (of the Pokemon you're making)
But you see..
When the colour tone itself is kinda TOO different

This happened to my Espeon...

It's really not considered BAD..
If only it was the right colour
Or at least PURPLE
Would have been much better

But anyway pattern credits to!

I edited the pattern a bit too
for the ears and whiskers, just a little tweak in the ch count

Days taken to make: 2!
Same as Umbreon

Did my best to make it look more alike to Espeon but this is what I can do for now
I'll probably get another purple the next time I order and remake one more Espeon~

I dont know if it's just me
but don't this espeon look like a fox/cat? :p

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