June 25, 2016

Amigurumi Pokemon collection Start! : Jirachi

So it's been a while since I touched my knitting needles and crochet hooks..
And when I saw some really cute Pokemon Amigurumi online
I got the inspiration to do them too!

I decided to start my own Pokemon collection!
Not really a collection because I doubt I'll do a lot of different Pokemon
I'm just gonna pick the ones I like and do them :D

First up is.......

If you haven't known this cutie
Jirachi is a Wish pokemon, meaning she/he (i dont know.. hahah) can make wishes come true!
Shaped like a star, its also one of the few cute ones in the legendary Pokemon list
Personally my favourite legendary (alongside celebi)
But of course Jirachi's first still
because she's a cute little star darling ^0^

I searched a bit for a few patterns around the net for Jirachi
(since I'm not good enough to be making my own patterns yet)
and I took reference from here

I did change the pattern a little
Including shortening the body to make it more proportional
and also editing the arms because the method/pattern given was a little bulky after I tested one arm

Took me around a week or less (I took only a few hours every night to do a portion)
And here's the cutie!

Isn't she lovely~ =^0^=
Could have been better still if i remade the body to be rounder and legs a little shorter
But I didn't redo it anyway
Plus I like it this way too!

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