July 19, 2016

Amigurumi Eeveelution: Eevee

Okay so I admit I procrastinated QUITE long hahahha
so it seemed like I spent 1-2 weeks on Eevee
but on fact if you really calculate it I'll say it took a good 3-4days

credits on pattern to

and as previously I mentioned i was gonna experiment on the furs part of eevee/flareon
and well, I tried out the Loop stitch on this eevee
honestly speaking, it wasn't bad
but because the pattern was originally flat
it turned out too fluffy
and I thought it could have sort of fit flareon a lot better
maybe i should have stick to the flat pattern

All in all conclusion is
i am NOT satisfied with this eevee ><

maybe because Eevee is my little favourite so I wanted it the best but it didn't turn out up to my expectation
maybe I'll edit another one after i finish the whole eeveelution

Anyway here it is~

I added the little furs on the face
it's the same ones i used for Jolteon's face

Also, comparing this eevee to the rest of my eeveelutions
the proportions.. isn't right there
well apparently eevee looks bigger than the rest, which theoretically it should be the opposite lol
so yea, i'll need some work when i redo this

surprisingly when i review the amigurumi pokemon i've done up till now
I'm really satisfied with leafeon
jirachi is still my best, just tiny bit away from perfect because of the body/legs
and umbreon was easy so lets not compare that
but leafeon i thought was done really good!
jolteon wasn't bad too but leafeon just looks better

next up should be flareon
i'll probably take my time again since i have some work on hands right now

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