September 17, 2016

Amigurumi Eeveelution: Glaceon

So after I received my new set of blue yarns
The blues were still a little off from the blue that I wanted for Glaceon
But I made do with it anyway

Took me a while because I was procastinating :P
Credits go to (as usual)
I did change a few patterns here and there from the original as usual

Here we go~

As you can probably see
The diamonds part weren't done that well
I already changed the patterns a little but it still didn't turn out the best I wanted it to be
But I was lazy to continue figuring a pattern so there we go
(Because I spent quite some time editing the pattern for the tail..)

Still acceptable though, of course
And now we have one last vaporeon to do
and not to forget, redoing espeon too (which will be superb fast anyway)

So till next update~

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